Pousada Villa Amado

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Precios desde   400.00 BRL
Pousada Villa Amado may take a minimalist approach to decor but it certainly goes above and beyond when it comes to hospitality. Arrive in Morro de São Paulo to a refreshing glass of juice and friendly smiles before heading off to the infinity pool on the beach. Or head down to the beach itself and enjoy the Brazilian sun from your own deckchair after enjoying freshly made tapioca at breakfast.

The hotel is undoubtedly located in the best area of Morro de São Paulo, on Segunda Praia. A vacation here is truly an adventure. From getting to the island by a short plane ride or a longer boat journey, allowing you to lay back and enjoy the views, to exploring the island itself. Walking to Gamboa is thoroughly recommended, as you'll pass by a clay slope with spa-like exfoliating clay and arrive at pristine, tranquil beaches where you can enjoy natural pools and diving to see the marine life. Don't forget to visit the Artisan Craft Fair at night to pick up some truly special gifts and souvenirs made by local artists.  
Placeres sencillos Belleza natural


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Información Útil

Precios desde   400.00 BRL
Reservar por teléfono
+34 902 430 310 o +351 214 647 430

Transportes/ Distancia

Centro Ciudad: 0
Tiendas: 0
Aeropuerto: 47.3km
Número de licencia: 00

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